Friday, October 18, 2013

Busiest female bloopers

HEY GUYS!! you asked for some bloopers!!! I had some great ones but I deleted them while filming to save space on the memory card!! SORRY!! should have thought before then to not erase them! LOL OH WELL!!! here are the ones I didn't erase!!


  1. First off, I just want to say that I adore your channel and subscribing was one of the best choices I've made in my preparation to teach in South Korea. You remind me so much of myself, especially when it comes to your humor. I love it! It would be awesome to meet you when I get there.


    I just have a few questions for you, I hope they're not too much haha. I don't think you've answered them in the videos, sorry if I'm repeating something you have in fact answered.

    1- How long are you in the classroom per day (teaching and not teaching)?
    2- How long are your office hours?
    3- How long does the summer camp last per day? All together?
    4- Do you work with your co-teacher and/or other teachers to plan the summer camp activities? And how about regular classes?
    5- What video editing program do you use?

    I'm sure the answers vary per school/teacher but I just thought I'd ask! Thanks so much!

  2. Hi, Megan Bowen (aka ChoNunMigookSaram),

    I know you don't update this blog much these days, but, as I'm fighting to resist the Google+ forcingmetomakeanaccount darkside (for the time being) I figured I'd post here to let you know how much I enjoy your YouTube videos. Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to create and post them. Keep up the good work you're doing (teaching kiddos, sharing laughter with people, and opening up the world to some who haven't even imagined the options there are in life) and take care of yourself. I hope you are able to see your family in the States soon!
